jueves, 4 de mayo de 2023


La Canción de Axxis Quest


Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest

travel and learning all the time

Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest,

aprende y viaja a la vez


Con Axxis Quest encontrarás

 personas que te sorprenderán

Con Axxis Quest descubrirás

 lugares que no imaginarás

 Con Axxis Quest tu vivirás,

 aventuras sin igual

Con Axxis Quest cuestionarás,

 dilemas que te trasnocharán

Axxis todo lo resuelve

lo del cuerpo y lo del alma

Usa antifragilidad

para recobrar la calma



Axxis Quest, Axis Quest

travel and learning all the time

Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest

Aprende y viaja a la vez


Y con Axxis saltarás

y también podrás bailar

retos tu podrás lograr,

si te gusta estudiar



 Axxis ya no aguanta más,

necesita descansar,

pues mañana ya tendrá

 otros retos que lograr


Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest

travel and learning all the time

Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest, aprende y viaja a la vez

Travel and learning all the time,

Travel and learning all the time,

Travel and learning all the time,

Travel and learning all the time,


All the time

All the time

All the time

!All the time!

Letra: Creación colectiva

Equipo Axis Quest

música Amilkar A. Brunal


      Nolka Mendoza (Col)

      Amilkar Brunal (Col).

Arreglos e instrumentos: Mel Ferrer (Col)





Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest

travel and learning all the time

Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest,

learn and travel at the same time


With Axxis Quest you`ll find people who will surprise you

With Axxis Quest you will discover places that you won't imagine

With Axxis Quest you will live, unparalleled adventures

With Axxis Quest you will question, dilemmas (that) will keep you awake

Axxis solves everything, the body and the soul

Use antifragility to regain calmness







Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest

travel and learning all the time

Axxis Quest, Axxis Quest,

learn and travel at the same time





And with Axxis you will jump

and you will also be able to dance

challenges you will be able to achieve,

if you like to study


Axxis can't take it anymore,

he needs to rest,

because tomorrow he will have

other challenges to achieve


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